Shades 001: First Impressions

I don’t have much experience in inheritin’ things, but damn I’ll bet every feather I have that I’ve received the worst inheritance possible. My guess that Zelkor’s Ferry was but a lowly bog-pile with some houses that got stuck in it was right on target, perhaps even flatterin’. It has a town necromancer, for crowin’ out loud. No healer, no apothecary, just a necromancer, and his assumedly creepy bonefuckin’ ways. There is a gemcutter at least, so at least some gold must feel obliged to flow in here on occasion.

The castle ain’t doing much better. I couldn’t even get inside because there were nasty little robed kobolds and some dribbling gnoll toadies holing up in the place. Too many for me and my firearm to take on, unfortunately. There ain't no point in being yet another dead Lord of Castle Calaelen now is there? I've decided the best way to salvage anythin’ outta this whole fiasco is to hire some aspiring adventurers to help clean the angry shitkickers out, using the Great Downward as a face. Perhaps the old gal’s name still carries some weight around these parts, and can get some shit done for a bird.

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