Meetings and Moats (Siurlang)

Irori be praised, dry land! I know that there was always dry land on either side of the boat, but now I'm standing on it! The dry land, not the boat. I think I'll walk back to civilisation.

But land! And buildings! Only a few buildings. Somehow I get the idea that I will have to walk for a while to get to civilisation. I didn't really look into what all the buildings were for, to be honest. Maybe I should have, just to categorise them into 'important' and 'not important'. I think that there's a gem cutter. Which could be kind of useful, I suppose. I'm not all that big on the enchantment side of things, so I figure that I won't get too much use out of that place. The other arcanists that are hanging around might, I'm not sure what their particular strengths and weaknesses are.

Note to self, find out other arcanists' strengths and weaknesses.

Anyway, it turns out that the other people on the boat and myself were here for the same reason. Well, at first appearances. All of them are here for a task, from the curiously named tengu, Shades. Apparently the bird came into possession of a deed for an abandoned castle in the region and, of course, needed my help to clean it out. The others as well, I suppose. At least the halforc and dwarf might be useful in getting in between any foes and myself, should it be required.

Writing this during the walk to the castle, of course. No time for writing at the ridiculously overpriced inn. I believe that the castle lies ahead. Hopefully it lacks a moat, or at least water in the moat. Why would people use water to fill a moat anyway? I can think of at least five things that would work better, and not be traversable!

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