"But look, I can use it!"
"That's what I mean though. You look terrifying when you do that, but you need to keep that daft grin off your face. You look like you're about to join Gus' circus, not hammer someone into the ground"
"But it's fun! I can't help it!"
"You need to learn to help it. You need to aim for the 'I'm 350lb of focused rage' look, not the 'I just finished licking 3 frogs and snorted a mushroom' look. Okay, watch the mirror and go again. BY BALTHAZARS BALLS, didn't I just say to keep that stupid grin off your face?"
"But I'm so pretty. Look at my muscles ripple! Ripple, ripple!"
"That damn Tolah woman has been putting ideas on your head again. What did we say about that?"
"We said 'no ideas unless Tabitha approves and has budgeted for it'"
"And does Tabitha approve?"
"Well, your eyebrows say no. So do your eyes. Your nose is undecided, but your mouth is definitely a no too..."
"So, go again and lose the fucking grin...GODDAMMIT MORTIMER. I debate theology and military tactics with that horse of yours, and yet I'm struggling to teach you basic tricks. Perhaps he should be in charge here leaving you to run around free, rolling in shit and pissing in your own drinking water
"...fucking horse. I'll show him the back of my hand. And then I'll hit him with it..."
"Yes! Thats the face I want! Okay, go again..."
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