Gah. These bloody people, can’t even swim to save
themselfs. Tha fac they all almoss
drowned tha other day on that shitty boat dinna teach em nuthin. Guess I gotta
swim through that hole. What’s that big
blue thing? Fuck!
Kill Merrax hey? No problem, I can get at her. I have the blood of fiends in my veins,
nothing these foolish mortals can do can stop me.
Hmm, that didn’t go so
well, who’d have thought that damn innkeeper was so competent. I thought he was just an overcharging
idiot. Oh well, even if his cellar is
well locked they’ll have to take me to Tarren’s for trial, and I know all the
tricks for escaping boats.
Shit, what are you
people doing with those ropes? You haven't let em stand trial!
What all these people waitin in line for? Been waitin too long, am sick o this, none
these people movin. Gonna go see what’s
up tha front, waitin in line is for weak folk.
What’s this line? Where are we?
Why is that obnoxious lady shoving everyone?
Who that comin to talk ta me? Wanna say something do you weird lookin
creature? Wanna get me out a this
line? Good, am sick a this line.
What’s that thing
speaking to the obnoxious lady? Is she
getting out of the line? I want to get
out too!
Gah, whats did place?
That stupid necroman who can’t actually do any magic? What my doin here? Aggy looks pleased at least, why Snookums and
Mortima so disappointed? Fuck, what
happened to ma arm? Got big chunks oh me
don look right?
So, arm not so bad, look funny but really strong, swinging
axe way easier now. Gonna go fight
pirates now. Maybe rest a tha company
can learn ta swim while we at it, maybe if they coulda done that in the first
place wouldn’t a have to fight that bloody snake by maself. Bet that fella
Killingwash can swim though, he seem like he know the sea.
Boats. Is this the boat to Tarrens? No, I’m free, I escaped, huh. Now, must find Merrax, the guild wont be
happy if I come back to them having failed on my first contract. This looks like one of her boats. Wait, since when could I shoot lighting?
Always said pirates are dumb, though I do like their
cloths. Reminds me, need ta sew up
jacket, full o holes from snake bite now.
Maybe the new arm is good at sewin too.
Maybe everything better now, maybe now I’m got some kind o super powers
and cant die agin. Lets see, one bunch o
pirates left, the shark changing people in that boat that we made crash
good. Lets take em out.
Hah, take that Jackson, cut you to bits idiot! This is fucking weird, I’m going crazy! Ok, don’t get carried away, once I take out
Merrax I can get out of here. Wait, I
see someone coming this way, they look like a sailor. Calm down, stop being so angry,
concentrate. Is it Merrax? It must be! Kill Merrax, Kill! Huh, got he,r cut her clean in half with my
axe! Since when did I fight with an axe? No, what’s happened to me! By almighty Jah, what I just do?
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