Sharks and Stuff

I saw my second castle ever today! It was so much cooler than the castle that we're in right now, but I guess that was because of the wind. It was pretty windy. Windy enough to fly in for some of us, though not me, because I didn't need to fly anywhere, because I'm totally smart like that.

I wonder if Laniss can make me fly? It would be pretty awesome for a little bit.

Anyway, we got into the second castle because we headed back to the place with the big teleporter thing that was trapped with something or other. It was kind of a really lame trap, because all it did was teleport us to the second castle. Is it really a trap if it's the intended purpose of a device? I don't think it is, it's more of a device. A trap is totally something that you don't expect, or something that interferes in the normal operation of a device. Maybe the platform was supposed to teleport you somewhere, but the 'trap' (totally using inverted commas there to imply it isn't a real trap!) teleports you to a DIFFERENT place? And then the stupid who made it can be all “Haha! I trapped you, and you don't even know it!”

Except you wouldn't hear him because you'd be in the other place. Real stupid.

So we got back from the second castle before it hit some big chunks of ice because it was totally going to do that, and went to the other teleporter place, with the teleporter that took us to the cemetary that one time. So we used the other one, and it was kind of alright, but there were SHARKS.

HUGE SHARKS. So awesome. I shot one! I bet Siurly would have liked the sharks, too. They were big and vicious, and I shot one (so did the bird) and all the other sharks ate it instead of us! I wish Siurly could have been there. Aww.

Of course, Siurly would have totally freaked out because of the water, because that's where sharks live, obviously. And we were kind of sailing over it in a really badly put together boat. Really bad, I mean, Jamon makes better boats and he kind of sucks at it. I hope he doesn't read this at any point! If you ARE reading this, Jamon, STOP IT NOW THIS IS PERSONAL STUFF GOSH.

Annnyway, Siurly hated the water ever since her second nameday, which kind of makes it obvious why she hated the stuff, even if it was totally silly of her. Oh well! I think I need to get a lot of sleep, all this walking is pretty tough!

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