From the Journal of
269th day of the year 1789 of the 5th age. 3rd day of captivity.
It would appear I made a miscalculation. A not unknown phenomena, though on this occasion it seems the consequences are somewhat harsher than a failed experiment or missed spell. From what I have been able to ascertain, I have been transported to Hell. More specifically to some kind of Infernal marketplace. I have been purchased by a fiend know as Ulyaoth, though for what purpose I do not yet know. Most of my equipment has been taken from me, though I was allowed to keep some of the more mundane objects, including this journal.
The others here disappoint me. They have clearly been in captivity for some time, and yet I can see no evidence of attempts to escape, nor any sign that they have bothered to gather any useful intelligence. I expect no useful aid from such pathetic creatures, though they may yet serve some purpose if adequately harnessed. For now I shall retire to think on it, and attempt to decipher what spell it is that they have placed upon me that is causing my head ache. The pressure of it is rather irritating.
Date Unknown, 37th apparent day of captivity
Time moves differently here. I am no longer sure of the relative date on the Prime Material, though I imagine less time has passed there than here. Ulyaoth's intent has become clear. I am to craft magical items for it, both to aid it in it's machinations against the other denizens of this plane, and apparently to sell or trade for others like myself. For now it has been careful to allow me access to only the most basic items and spell components, rightly fearing my power, but I hope with time I can lull it into a false sense of security and gain access to more potent magics.
Date Unknown, 133rd apparent day of captivity
I have eliminated all other possibilities. The Elder Brain lied to me. A not wholly unexpected outcome, but one I now find myself in no position to deal with. The constant pressure in my mind, I am now sure it is not a spell nor any act of my new captors, but rather a fragment of the Overmind attempting to wear down my will and take over control of my body. Little though that will gain it, considering my new circumstances.
I was hoping to make the best of what time I have, to possibly mount an escape, or at least gauge the capabilities of my captors, but without access to my magic I would have limited success at best, and thus far I have had no luck with any of the other captives, who all lack the will to do what must be done. It is beginning to dawn on me that I may at last have found myself in a situation beyond my capabilities. It is a most disquieting feeling.
Date Irrelevant, probably 367th day of captivity.
That these pathetic creatures continue to hold me is offensive. Today I caught a glimpse of some of their more advanced crafting mechanisms, the ones they have kept from me. It took mere seconds to realize that not only are they improperly assembled and far weaker than they could be, but also that these fools have no idea the power they could have with but a few minor adjustments to the apparatus. How truly far I have fallen.mglw'nafh fhthagn-ngah cf'ayak 'vulgtmm vugtlag'n
368th day of captivity (probably)
I at last have proof I am loosing track of time and my own actions. I have no recollection of writing the last passage in this journal. It is a language I have no knowledge of, and yet I find the script somehow familiar. That it also appears to be written in my own blood worried me for a time, but after thorough study I can find no evidence of any sort of binding magic, so I am forced to believe it is simply a macabre choice, and not some greater scheme by the Overmind to further erode my will.
Witnessing your own agonizingly slow demise, it is a strange sensation. One I wish I did not have to experience first hand.
485367132th Year of the Third Cycle.
And I shall stand atop the mountain and see all the world before me, and it shall bend to my will and to unmaking.
711th day of captivity (estimated)
At last my captors seem to have realised all is not as it appears. I awoke this morning to find several runes of binding carved into my flesh. The Lyrakien informed me after some persuasion that I lashed out and nearly slew one of Ulyaoth's favoured servants, so it had me bound and inscribed. I attempted to review the scene in her entrails but I found few answers, it appears my powers have been further disrupted by these constant interruptions.With luck this evening's ritual will be more enlightening
wux re licking svern shio wer treskriri mrith dout flaming narodic, swallowing astahi de shio sides. dout versel radiance ui valignatir wer entire vaslakni, vur glomir coi mrith splendor, o krishna.
visp ve svaust re wux persvek mishun vi j'nah adon? sia salutations ekess wux, o bensvelkilti di ithquenti, qe kilithel! si huven ekess kampiun wux, wer primal drekim, tagoa si tir ti vucot dout mission.
wer cuin ith said: si mi marfedelom, wer janikup sventar di wer treskri, ekik ekess svent. tangis ios dout participation shio wer arytissi standing arrayed persvek wer silahiir reabi nishka cease ekess exist.
requehex, wux itrewic svern vur attain ibahalii. frivin dout irlymi vur lamith vi prosperous zaneunisal. shio nomenoi(warriors) tepoha jalyur coanwor sventa ini ve. wux re ergriff vin bytiog, o arjuna.
svent drona, bheeshma, jayadratha, karna, vur lyrik jennu arytissi svaust re jalyur killed ini ve. tir ti l'gra. wux geou khruvi frivin wer irlymi persvek wer vargach, requehex, slathalin!
Sanjaya dixit: Et cum audisset hos sermones Krishna; Arjuna coronis tremens Col panico terrore loqui ad Krishna in inclamavit.
Arjuna ait: Recte tu Krishna, et glorificabant, et in hoc mundo delectat. Territi daemonia ejus. Et adorent te tribus milium Siddhas adorat.
Quid ni O magni animi, et adorent te tribus: prima est etiam quam creatori qui Brahmaa? O infinita Dominus Deus dii tui habitaculum universi Uterque Asat sedentes, et quod excedat et incorruptionem Brahman (sedentes Asat).
Tu prima deum Antiquissimum personae. Tu ultimo recurrendum universo. Es cognitor, qui est obiectum scientiae, suprema manebat. Universorum permanat Numquid Sion species infinitae.
Tu Vaayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, Shashaanka, necnon et Brahmaa pater Brahmaa. Salutem ad hunc numerum multa millia, et iterum atque iterum te salutasse.
A fronte et a tergo ad te salutari meo. Domine, ad te undique famulatus. Infinitus et immensus virtute es fortitudo. Tu omnia pervadere, ita ubique et in omnibus.
Considerans te solum amicus, scientes magnitudinem tuam non sum locutus es quod imprudenter Krishna O Domine Yadava, o amice, sed caritate aut neglegenter praetermissa.
Vos autem exhonorastis Quomodocunque ut in iocis; Ludite sedeant in lectulo sedentem aut cibum; solus an ante alios; O Krishna obsecro veniam.
Pater huius mundi estis animatis et inanimatis, et maximum Guru colendum. Nemo etiam aequales debent in tria saecula Tu plus quam potest esse? O Esse Incomparable Gloria.
Propterea Venerandum Domine, gratiam tuam quaerent incurvare corpus meum, et iacente ante te. Sustine me sicut pater ad filium, ut amicus amico, et pro viro suo uxorem, Domine.
Gaudeo quod numquam ante videndo, et non est anima mea cum metu cruciatur. Indica mihi (expeditas quattuor) forma. O Deus, misereátur spem universi!
Te cupio videre corona, tenens in manu clavam et disci. Domine, cum milia armorum universi, apparent in forma expeditas quattuor.
Summus dixit: O Arjuna, feci tibi placeas tibi, mea Yogic summus nitidis universalis, infinitum, quod prima forma mea numquam ab eo qui ante te.
Neque per studium Vedas neque Yajna nec charitas, sed a sacris neque duritia, numquid potest in forma hujus mundi hominibus per alium quam te, Arjuna.
Non tam atrox crimen videns et quadam forma mea sunt. Interrito et placido animo meo nunc ecce quattuor expeditas forma.
Sanjaya ait Dominus Krishna, cum haec locutus est Arjuna, excelsus super quattuor expeditas forma. Et assumens mite forma humana, Mahatma Arjuna qui armis proterritus Krishna consolatus.
Arjuna dixerunt Krishna, cum homo mitis tuam, et ego ex me nunc rursus amet.
Summus Dominus diceret: Hoc (expeditas quattuor) species mea vidistis, difficillimum quidem videre. Hanc etiam deos semper desiderantes nos videre.
Neque per studium Vedas nec austeritate et in charitate, et in sacris, quod in hac ratione potest vidisti me.
Sed devotio per simplex solus ego in hoc potest cognosci posse in se, et quoque potest, o Arjuna.
Omnis qui fecerit opus in me, et ego, cui summum finem, qui cultor est, nullum affectum et liberum ab omni consequitur odium mihi, Arjuna.
Day Unknown.
I awoke this morning. Normally this would not seem a noteworthy experience, but considering I have been locked away in my own mind while and ancient otherworldly sentience dictated my every action in accordance to it's alien whims, it seemed a fact worth remarking upon. I am unsure what has granted me this moment of clarity, but I have made as much of it as I could. It would seem from the words of one of my fellows that it has been nearly 5 years since last I uttered a coherent word. Even those naturally gifted with the truespeak have been unable to comprehend a word, and our captors have spent much effort on both attempting to decipher the language, and also on binding the creature within me, as they do not understand what it is, and they fear it.
I can already feel my grip slipping once again. I can only hope that this fleeting moment is not my last.
I no longer know how long it has been since last I governed my own thoughts. Years at least. I can feel the passage of time in my bones, but I have no way to know for sure. Of the prisoners who now surround me, none seem familiar. I wonder how long I will have to suffer these moments of clarity, these beautiful torturous islands in the sea of madness that is my existence? I am still confused as to what is causing me to reawaken, even if only temporarily. It is certainly not through any power I posses, the Overmind broke me many years ago. It also seems not to have anything to do with the actions of the Devils who still hold me. I'm not even sure they are aware that I resurface once and a while. It is as if something is interfering with the Elder Brain's connection to this plane or to me, but what could be powerful and yet subtle enough to achieve such a feat I know not.
Something else is here. I am now sure of it. An intangible yet definite presence, something that has managed to push back the Overmind. None of the others, another new batch, can sense it. The strange thing is I sense no pressure from this new entity, no will or desire for control. It is as if it trying to restore me. I shall have to wait and see what it's true intention is, for that is far too unlikely.
I have discovered that my captors have become much less cautious around me. It seems that after so many years, they believe me forever gone and the Overmind sufficiently shackled, as they seem to have put me back to work. I have even discovered the the Elder Brain was attempting to smuggle equipment from the lad to create it's own tools. While I have destroyed what I can, it has given me hope that I may be able to do the same, possibly fashioning some means of escape, should these moments of lucidity arise often enough.
I have come to many uncomfortable realizations during my time here in captivity. I have always dedicated myself to order, to structure, regardless of morality. I see now that that is a doomed road. Here in Hell I have seen the truth of Law ungoverned by concern or conscience. While I still believe chaos and disorder are the greatest threats to the world, I see now how my own pursuit of the opposite of that ideal has done harm to those around me. It's strange, but I miss Agamemnon. He would have an interesting perspective on my new thoughts, and he was always a fair adversary in a philosophical debate, despite his irredeemably chaotic ways. I wonder if he, or any of my companions still live. How long has it been for them? What horrors have they faced in the dark pit that is Rappan Athuk?
I wonder if that is the plan of this new presence. It seems to awaken me at times when little is going on, times when I will have the ability to look about and within myself, as if it wants me to examine my life and how it has led to this moment. It may be desperation, but honestly I treasure these moments are too much to risk them questioning the motives of my new benefactor. I know I should, my current circumstance makes that abundantly clear, but I simply cannot. I am too afraid I will loose what little ground I have regained.
I have begun the delicate process of crafting the tools I will need to escape. It is extremely slow going, and they are far from pretty, as most are made from discarded scraps or stolen fragments, but it is something. At current rates, I should have all I need in less than a year. At my best reckoning I have been here on this plane for nearly 2 centuries, so another year matters little. I just hope my new companion remains that long, I shudder at the thought of returning to my previous prison inside my own mind.
I have come to know well the presence of the unknown philanthropist who had made tomorrow's escape attempt possible. I still have no idea who or what it is, let alone it's motives, but I can only hope it possesses the ability to follow me. If I manage to escape only to fall back under the sway of the Elder Brain, that would be tragic indeed. I can still feel it, weakened and suppressed, but always with me. But there is nothing else for it. I have to try.
360th day of the year 1789 of the 5th age. Day one of freedom.
I can hardly hope to describe all that has transpired since my last entry. To escape from Hell itself, only to be drawn into a power gem for an Anima Engine of all things, was an outcome I could never have predicted. From bad to worse as they say, though I must admit it was in it's own way an enlightening experience, seeing one from the inside so to speak. And then to be freed by my own companions. For all their faults, never in all my centuries have I been gladder to see anyone or any thing than I was in that moment. Even the news of the army marching on Greyton could scarcely dampen my spirits. It seems odd to say, but despite the chaos and urgency of the day, it felt increadible to once again stand shoulder to shoulder with the men of the Great Downwards Engineering Company. But that was nothing compared to what came later.
The Blood of St Ives, as holy a Thyran relic as any could hope to find. As I drank it, I was overcome with a familiar sensation, but on a scale I had never experienced. I can scarecly believe it is real. It may not be. But I include it here to ensure that real or not, I will always remember:
It was harmony. It was light. It was all encompassing. It was perfection. I felt the Overmind scream in agony as it was at last truly banished from his mind and soul. I saw the multiverse laid out before me, but not as it was, as it could be, as it should be. Perfectly ordered, guided by a benevolent hand and yet left free to grow and change as all things must. I felt my mind growing, expanding, making connections and seeing patterns in the vision I never could have imagined. And then finally, I came to rest in a simple stone hall, much like the one in Castle Calalen, though empty of all but the figure before me.
"It was you wasn't it? You found me, you gave me back my mind, you led me here and showed me that vision didn't you?"
The man didn't respond, he didn't even turn around. And yet even without seeing his face, I knew that the greatest king in all the lands would seem a peasant next to the shadow of he who stood before me. "What would you ask of me? I owe you a debt that I can never truly repay, so ask anything, and it shall be yours." The voice was like nothing I had ever heard, it shook me to my very core, and yes lifted me up and made me feel invincible. "What would you do, if you could? If I simply told you to be about your bussiness?" "I would aid my friends, and I would spend my every moment stiving to bring about the world I just saw, because no prefect a goal can I imagine". The words flowed from me without a thought, and yet in that moment I knew I had never spoken truer. "Then that is all I ask."
I awoke from a trance mere moments later, though it felt like hours had passed. It will be some time before I can fully proccess today's events. But now is hardly the time. Battle approaches once again, and I must ready myself. But should I fall this day, let this journal stand as my final accounting off all that happened to me. I can only hope someone finds it useful one day.
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