The Great Downwards Engineering Company was in
the second temple. Gudmunds blood was still congealing. Tabitha was
slowly flexing, trying to get the last of the stony stiffness from
her muscles, when she spotted Mort kneeling off to one side. His
hands were clasped in front of him, and he seemed to be softly
talking to himself.
"Mort. MORT!
What are you doing?"
Mort let out an
exasperated sigh, and replied without moving. "I'm praying, what
does it look like?
Tabitha stood
motionless, thinking hard for a few moments before replying.
"...prayer is unusual for you Mort. You usually just create a
bloody mess out of a heathen then fist pump the sky, dedicating it to
Balthazar as an after thought and... sort of leave it at that."
Mort clearly
disliked having to explain something so fundamental. "Yeah, I
was making faith coins. And now is a good time to spend them. Duh."
"Mort, that
isn't how religion works..."
Mort finally
shifted his pose, turning to face her. "Have you met our God?
No? Well I have, so close your visor and go glare at Kruin or
something. Geeze, respect my privacy"
"Ugh, the
mouth on you sometimes." she muttered, before rejoining the
Balthazar. This is Mort. Hi. How are you? That's good, I'm good too.
So, I don't know
if you can see, but I hit more heathens for you. Shades killed the
really bad heathen, but I kicked him a few times just so Orcus knew I
meant business.
So, uhhh, the
dudes said something about Orcus sending an army to go kill our
people. I think he mostly wants to kill Shades' people, Shades being
the Chosen One and everything, but Greyton is in the way and Tabitha
thought it was a good idea to leave my horse in charge. YES TABITHA
I'M TELLING ON YOU! Shoo, go away, I'm still praying!
Crusher is a horse
and hes dumb and he wants to take over the world or something, but
he's in charge so I would like to spend some faith coins and buy him
some... somethings. I don't know what I can buy with faith coins.
me. Can you like... make him shoot fireballs out of his eyes or
something? Or grow lots of arms that hold axes? I think that would be
useful. And while you're there, please make him a nice shade of blue
so he matches my tabard when I ride him.
Okay I think Aggy
wants to talk to me now so I had better go. I hope I can come visit
you again soon, you have nice stuff to look at.
Lots of love,
Crusher had a big
ego. No, that doesn't do it justice. Crusher had a massive ego. He
was big and strong, super intelligent and a hit with the ladies. If
he insulted you, you were to consider it a compliment, because at
least you were worth that much of his time. With Mort and Tabitha out
of town, he was in charge. The idea that there might be someone
better suited didn't even occur to him. This was his god-given place.
However, while he
would never admit it, his stomach did lurch ever so slightly at the
news of the Unrighteous March. He might be 24 carat Awesome, but the
idea of somehow using the ugly hairless mice who were looking up at
him expectantly to defend Greyton didn't sit well with him. He
studied them as they took the news of the impending doom and
carefully masked his distain. Some of them were crying, some were
grim and determined, others still were angry. They should be standing
in rank and file, steel as far as the eye could see, ready to kill
and trample thier enemies, not this huddled mass of soft weeping
flesh. This was beneath him
Crusher snorted
loudly and shook his head. He should be chasing chattle like this
through burning fields and ruined towns, not plotting to somehow save
them. He could remember some of his time spent raiding under Daarog -
the smells of blood and fire, screams and roars, the bitter sweet
taste of human flesh. That was how battles were supposed to be.
Except this time, he's stuck on the side of the chattle.
"You. Horse.
Why the long face? Hahahahaha, I kill me sometimes"
Crusher looked
sharply around, looking for the source of the disturbance. Sitting on
his haunches a few feet off was a Kyton - a leathery Devil with a
huge grin, engulfed almost entirely in spiked chains. Rather than
sitting dormantly though, the chains slowly shifted, writhed and
lifted, almost like they were a nest of snakes. Held protectively in
one hand was a longsword, clearly a prized possession, and one of the
few other things currently on his person.
He swiftly stood
and bounced on the balls of his feet a few times, enjoying the rattle
of the metal links and the disquieting effect it had on Crusher.
Noone else seemed to be able to hear it.
"I am
Xelo'tah of Claire, here on behalf of The Patron, although I believe
'Balthazar' is the common name used here. Mortimer has uh... struck
an odd bargain of sorts, and I am here to deliver our part"
Crusher just
blankly looked at Xelo'tah for a few long moments, clearly a bit
overwhelmed. "...who the fuck...?"
Xelo'tahs grin
widened "My sincerest apologies, I mistook you for a creature of
indelible charm and indescribable wit. Perhaps you can point me
towards a horse with such an affliction"
elsewhere and I'll kick your head in" Crusher said with a twang
of a neigh "What do you want with me?"
"Let me cut
to the chase. I, The One Xelo'tah of Claire, on behalf of The Patron,
hereby confer upon you the vocation of Hellknight and all the
privileges that role brings. Congratulations. You are assigned to
the Order of the Scythe. Your rank and role shall be decided by the
Lawbringer Grey upon his return. On the Lawbringers behalf, I wish to
convey the following quest - " Xelo'tah coughed and dropped his
voice an octave "'Lose Greyton and I'll make a new pair of boots
out of your hide. And they won't be nice boots either'"
Crusher absorbed
this tepidly. "This was not how I expected my rise to power to
occur. Where are the fanfares, the apples, the screaming mares? The
crowds of quaking slaves?"
Xelo'tahs grin
faded slowly "Pomp and ceremony are nice and all, but sometimes
you just need to find a hammer and hit a nail. Congratulations on
your promotion, Sir Hammer, may you hit this nail swiftly and with
With that tibbit,
he disappeared as quickly as he had come.
fucking step and I will end you. I WILL FUCKING END YOU" Jaq
Crusher watched
the ragged forces of Greyton form up. "Every God has a humble
beginning I suppose" he muttered to himself
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