1 Verily was the queue for mine judgement long, as I deserveth. For I hath failed the Lord my God. 2Behind me lurketh the ghost of mine fallen foe. 3I rejoiced that mine companions hath triumphed.
2 Then appeareth unto me a Spectre of Life just passed. 2This ghost spake unto me "d'you wanna meet your god?" 3At first I resisted, suspecting Tempations of the Dark Ones. 4He saith again "c'mon, I'm taking you back anyway, just drop in and meet him first!" 5In my soul I knew this ghost meant not to mislead me, so I went.
3 Appeareth I did in the House of mine Lord. 2Surprise across Thine visage, mine Lord! Wer't Thou not expecting me? 3He spaketh unto me. The Heavens trembling at His powerful utterance "Um.... Hello?" 4I trembled, afear of mine Lord. Not sure of what to say I merely repeated Thine greeting. 5The Lord saith "Are you doing a great work, or something? Why are you here?" 6I fell silent before saying that a Spectre of Life had brought me here. 7The Lord replied "Oh right, Wizards. Those guys are weird." 8Verily they are, mine Lord.
4 It was at this time I noticed that he was alone, and consuming the fruit of the Hop. 2He saith: "Yeah, I don't much care for company. I usually only appear in front of crowds, not personal visits." 3"Do you have any, uh, questions for me before you go?" 4My Lord I hath so recently been deceased, I knew not what to ask of Thee. Upon mine mind was the Thaurissians of old, so I asked for thine wisdom. 5The Lord replied "The Thaurissians were a group of dwarves that lived 10,000 years ago. (6) They were a good sort, shame to see them go."
5 I could feel. I felt the Spectre returning for me. 2In a moment of selfishness, I asked if I had served mine God well. 3He looked briefly confused and spake unto me "Have you done anything in particular?" 4I said unto My Lord, my companions and I hath vanquished the Great Demon Azirax. 5He pondered and prompty spake "Oh. Right. That. Well, a solid B+ effort there."
6 A great weight lifted from my shoulders, and presently I could feel my life returning. 2He spake “I see you’re about to head back. Well then, take this and do something Good with your life!” 3And ye did He delivereth unto me a large nugget of Mithril ore, His most valued of metals. 4Oh bounteous joy! For mine Lord, I will bring Demons low and tear evil asunder. 5For mine is His power and glory to wield, 6I carry His name forth into the world once more.
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