Musings of an Orc 003 - Means to an End

Mother was always a great believer in balance. Since so much wrongness, pain and suffering lead to my being born, she believed I would therefore be destined for great things. I don't think I ever really believed it, but after The Mouth Of Doom it seems she might be right.

It will one day make for an epic tale, but the details are for the bards to make up. Ultimately, we cleansed the dungeon of a pestilence demon, making right a mistake made by well intentioned priests a long time ago.

The demon however, is one thing I feel I must talk about. It was a fascinating beast. Never have I seen such a potent mix of size, strength and intelligence. It shrugged off my blows like it was nothing, and apparently tore Suirlang apart in seconds (may Pharasma judge her kindly). If it weren't for her sacrifice and Aggys bravery, we would have lost the day. I don't often thirst for knowledge, but I think it would be wise to learn more of these things from the lower planes. I doubt it will be the last I see of them and there might be something to learn from it as well.

One thing is clear though. It took all of our might to cleanse that place. Balance was achieved by ruthless application of force, not by half measures. As distasteful as I find it, I understand now why places like Axis exist. Extremes pushing at each other with equal force creates balance. With Rappun Athuk being a place renown for its wickedry, I think I understand the path I need to embrace.

To this end, I have sworn fealty to Shades. Normally, I would say that he is incredibly unsuited to being a Lord. But there is something about him and something about this place that I feel like I can work with.

He governs a wild land and I feel like I can help him tame it. I have visions of armies of guards and soldiers wearing Vanitthus mark on Shades' colours. Wide roads cutting through the forests. High walls surrounding our settlements. Our people will be safe, secure and proud of their Lord. I still need to make an offering to Vanitthu to receive his blessing, but I can make this happen.

Father would be proud.

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