These are the personal journals of members of the expeditions of the Great Downward Engineering Company into the realm of Rappan Athuk. These records may be incomplete, as not all adventurers may make it back to tell the tale of what happens down there.

Snookums and the Dominion Army 2
Not one to be towered over, Snookums waved her to sit on a cushion which usually put people on the same elevation as him. Unfortunately the elvish arcanist still had a good half a foot on him once she had sat down.
The General harrumphed and rose to his feet, not really changing the situation but at least feeling better about it.
“So, Captain Irrie. Ah’ve been watching you and yer unit trainin’ and I must say Ah’m impressed. Ah think the Lights have become a critical unit in tha Army, do ye agree?”
Irrie nodded, unsure what was even going on except that nice words were coming from a terminally grumpy dwarf.
“Good, good. So t’that end, ah’ve decided we need t’make a few changes. Tell me, who d’ye think would be yer best replacement, if something were t’happen t’ye?”
Irrie gulped and thought quickly, something she’d always been good at. “Uh, Makaquaran, uh, Sir.” Probably not as good at talking quickly, however.
“Maka… quaran... Maka…” Snookums mumbled to himself as he leafed through a stack of papers, “Ahah, the Dalish lass? Former bandit gang leader.. ah remember her, showed initiative in tha Forest War… ah, you actually wrote ‘er up for a commendation after tha Daemon War.. Ah should really make time t’read those things.”
Irrie winced briefly at that, but maintained her cool. Those weeks in the Jungle with Boko throwing mud at them while shouting “Fireball!” were still paying dividends. She noticed the General was still talking and tuned back in...
“Okay, So here’s how it is: Ah’ve got t’get some fresh perspective in mah command unit, and Ah think ye’ll do fine. Makaquaran will be taking over command of tha arcanists. D’ye think ye can manage t’teach her anything she needs t’know by this afternoon?”
Irrie nodded again, this time completely out of her element but batting back a tear of pride.
“Perfect. Dismissed, Captain. Talk t’th’ quartermaster on yer way out if yer needing any new gear.”
Tugging at a fraying thread on her “new” uniform, Irrie hurried to the parade grounds where the Army had been instructed to gather. She had spent the better part of the day talking to Maka and explaining why this promotion was a good thing for both of them. Maka was sure that she was going to forget everyone in the unit behind but eventually came around to the idea that the Lights of Zelkor needed representation in the Command Squad. She had also managed to confirm that Maka was paying enough attention during the drills and training to be able to lead the unit effectively. There would still be more to do to ensure the future success of their unit and Irrie was certain the General would want her to keep training with them.
Irrie reached the grounds just after the General and fell in step beside him, careful not to give any appearance of looming over him. Together they walked up to the small platform at the edge of the green where Makaquaran waited, nervousness writ large across her hardy features.
Captain Hammerbreaker, the cleric, her new colleague, banged his shield loudly and shouted the assembled troops to attention. He then stepped smartly to the rear of the platform with Irrie and Makaquaran and let Lord Shades take his place beside General Snookums.
Irrie didn’t exactly have the best view for the ensuing speech, but she could see her comrades and the glowing pride on her units’ faces was the new favourite moment of her life. She stared intently at her friends, her unit, her town, her home and did her best to fix the moment in her memory so she could savour it forever. The memory, crystallised and perfect, sat on a tiny shelf in her mind, next to two other small crystals: One; a white moment of childhood innocence playing in the snow with her mamma, and the other; a dense red ball of anger that she no longer needed to look at.
The General stopped speaking and applause broke out. Irrie smiled and waved before she realised that none of the troops were looking at her, rather Lord Shades was getting the attention and cheers.
As it turned out, the General had also announced that every soldier was getting a 5 gold bonus for the end of the year.